Transnationalization, digitalization and platformization are transformative processes that are reshaping public communication. In German communication studies, transnationallization is often perceived as something that happens “elsewhere”— in global media networks, international institutions, or at transnational interfaces. However, this view neglects the significant dynamics occurring in everyday life.
Transnationalization begins at home: in private spaces, through digital media, and within everyday communication practices. Home is more than a physical place; it is a communicative hub where transnational connections are created, maintained, and negotiated. This phenomenon is particularly evident in a pluralistic society like Germany, where around a quarter of the population has a migration background. In these contexts, identities, narratives, and affiliations are simultaneously locally rooted and globally networked.
This conference will critically examine the interplay of transnationalization, platformization, and diasporic communication, focusing of how digital technologies and everyday media practices shape these processes. Influencer culture, multilingualism, and micro-level negotiations of identity highlight the ways in which private spaces are connected to broader public discourses.
As the third EC4SC event under the Media and Public Sphere of Afghanistan (MPS-AFG) programme, this conference aims to explore these often overlooked micro-processes and integrate them into broader communication studies theories.
It seeks to uncover the power dynamics, communicative shifts, and methodological challenges associated with transnationalization and digital media in everyday contexts.
The conference is free of charge. Registration details are available on our website. We look forward to your participation and an inspiring exchange at the conference.
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Centre for Communication for Social Change at the Institute for Communication and Media Studies at Leipzig University
Dr Kefa Hamidi
Dr Hazrat Bahar
Ali Reza Hussanini
Dr Merga Bula Yonas
Mariam Meetra
Hamid Obaidi
Laily Habib
Abumoslem Khorasani
mit Nina Treu (Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie), Trong Do Duc (Unteilbar Sachsen), Cordula Weimann (Omas for Future)
mit Prof. Dr. Dieter Rucht
mit Dr. Bettina Fackelmann
mit Sophie Wagner
mit Thomas Rakebrand
mit Dr. René Sternberg
Externes Panel I mit Konstantin Aal, Simon Holdermann, PD. Dr. Markus Rohde, Sarah Rüller (SFB 1187 – Medien der Kooperation)
mit Fabiola Ortíz Santos
mit Hanne Detel, Ines Engelmann, Helena Stehle, Claudia Wilhelm
mit Hanna Marzinkowski, Ines Engelmann
mit Caroline Lindekamp
mit Prof. Dr. Barbara Thomaß
Externes Panel II mit Media Development Assistance in the 21st Century (MEDAS 21)
mit Nina Treu (Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie), Trong Do Duc (Unteilbar Sachsen), Cordula Weimann (Omas for Future)
Institute for Communication and Media Studies at Leipzig University